Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Last stretch of coding!

I booked a holiday a while ago to go to Seattle to see some friends, and now I am coding there in order to finish the game and to get it into the App Store to be submitted on time. This is the final stretch, the art is being put together for all the levels and the planes, the game is being balanced, and hopefully I'll actually have something shippable in time.

Its all a bit tight, but a bit more effort and fingers crossed I can make it!!


  1. Great news. Soosiz came out so you're the indie dev up next to wow us with their first iPhone project. Any estimated submission date?

  2. I am still on target to submit at the end of October and mid November - so hopefully after that its up to the gods of Apple Submission to see when it'll actually go live :o)

  3. Have you developed this game completely by yourself? Cause it looks so damn impressive!

  4. Hi Tom! I did all the code yes, the art was done 95% by one other guy - the music is basically GarageBand + MIDI! There has been help and support from friends of course, but I'd definitely lay claim to saying I did all the dev myself. And Instant Ramen. Never forget Instant Ramen.

  5. Thats freakin amazin man, well done. Cant wait for this to come out. Btw, im thinking of developing my own app, what programs do recommend using (I have a MacbookPro and an iPod Touch 2g)? Cheers

  6. Thanks Tom! To start developing your own thing - just get XCode and the iPhone SDK from Apple (this is standard when you get the iPhone SDK) and any drawing program. I use PhotoshopCS2 but you can also try GIMP which I also use.

    Thats it. Then "Just Get On" and make the thing in your head become real!
